Increasing Health Safety with a QR Code

January 26, 2022 admin

Our health screening service is the easiest wellness assessment solution on the market.

Organizations can easily perform daily health screenings for employees and visitors before they arrive at the office, worksite, conference or even a sold-out stadium.  With our health check-in service you can ask a series of company specific questions and even verify immunization status.  Providing a simple link to a private branded mobile application offers secure and private two way communication prior to attendance.  You can eliminate long lines and insecure paper records while complying with OSHA safety guidelines and local laws.

Asking someone about their health can quickly violate their privacy rights, leading to potential HIPAA or ADA violations.  Our health screening app has been carefully designed to protect the privacy of all surveyed people.  We keep all of the specifics about their symptoms and interactions private.  The only results you see are whether or not they passed your pre-established criteria.

While some businesses still rely on pen and paper surveys in addition to temperature checks to ensure employee and visitor health status; these solutions are not necessarily scalable across your entire organization and also present potential violations.  We can screen an entire workforce in a matter of minutes.  Need to screen several thousand guests at an NFL stadium or concert arena; we have you covered.  In the case of an employer, each morning we can text your entire company a link to a health survey they can complete on their phones before leaving their homes.

Everyday we learn more about the Corona virus and it is clearly changing our understanding of how symptoms present and how the disease spreads.  Our survey questions allow you to carefully integrate the most up-to-date rules for reopening your business so that you can remain in compliance with federal, state and local mandates.

Quickly and easily identify
and protect your workforce from COVID-19
outbreaks and other illnesses.
THRYVE Solutions – Let’s Get Back To Business


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Do you want to enhance well-being, improve the corporate culture or just provide an added level of health safety for a few hundred thousand people? We have a solution.

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